Friday, February 18, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie

Chip. Our cookie has crevices on the top. We were dying to taste, the tawny coloured chocolate chip cookie. My cookie with lots of chocolate chip has, chocolate freckles on top.


  1. Hey Tauwhare

    What a nice piece of writing and I would love to try a cookie anytime so don't forget about me.Next time you should add a bit more detail and I would like to read more of your writing.


  2. Hello Tauwhare

    Let me start by saying that you have done a great job withh your blog. It looks great!

    I am Courtney Muse and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama.
    I was reading some of your other posts, and I was very impressed. You were very descriptive in your writings. I also read in your more recent post, you wrote about chocolate chip cookies. My favorite! I just wish you could have been more descriptive in this writing. The important part is that you are trying and giving it your best. So keep up the good work. Don't forget to send me some cookies.

    Courtney Muse

  3. Hellow tauware what a lovely photo of your Chocolate chip DILISHISE........................I AM HUGREY FOR SOMEEEEEEEE...


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