Friday, June 15, 2012



Hi my name is Tauwhare. I have 11 best friends so close to me. Their names are Andrea, Britney, Chelsea, Dakota,` Dante, Helen, Rozella, Taeshell, Te Rina, Turuhira and Zion. We will chat to each other, play around do lots thing like Eat lunch together, have joke when it comes to something funny. But when it comes to secrets we never tell anyone especially friends, because sometimes they can spread rumors from their mouths.

At morning tea and lunch we will sit down relax and eat. When we are on the playground we will play tigging or ball tiggy. Tiggy is a game that we all enjoy. We would laugh a lot and enjoy the day. Tiggy is the most valuable thing we will play. Most likely every day we will go to the playground and play.

In class we will sit together, sometimes read together and sometimes write together. Me and my friends will sometimes get carried away with thing. Friends are what we are made of. Like Andrea, Britney, Chelsea, Dakota,` Dante, Helen, Rozella, Taeshell, Te Rina, Turuhira and Zion. Thanks for reading  my writing about Friendship. I hope you enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tauwhare,

    True friends are really that. You have a great piece of writing and I like how you explained what we do together. Some of the people that you listed who are your best friends don't really have a close friend-ship. You need to work on telling the truth.


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