Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Capture the Flag

On Friday room14/15 played a game called Capture the Flag on the bottom field. Miss King explained the different rules in her classroom so that we knew how to play. Room 14 was the green team and we were the red team.
After that we went outside to play. We lined up to play on opposite sides of the field. When Miss King said "Go," we ran like a herd of animals.
When we played room 15 headed for room 14 and room 14 headed for us. There was lots of running and lots of screaming.
On the first round Login got the flag for the red team so we were the winners for the first round When we won though Miss King changed Oshania and me into the green team.
The green team then got two points but the red team got 5 points.
After that we went to pick up rubbish aaround the field and the playground.
I like playig Capture the Flag. t was so cool because I haven't played it before. If we play again we would be the red team again and Room 14 would be the green team. So if we play again we probably won't win.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say Tauwhare you have good writing
    in your swimming one.!!!<<.>>


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