Monday, December 12, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Guess Who

Guess Who?
I am 16?
My first song was One Time?
My third song out was one less only girl?
I have lots of fans?
And I was on a song singing with Jaden Smith?
You Guessed it, its Justin Bieber.
Guess Who?

I play in the All Blacks?
My Nick name is DC?
I am number 11?
I was the cicker for this Rugby World Cup
and I manengd to get all the goals thraugh the post?
And when I had a engaring Piri Weepu took over me?
You Guessed it I'm Dan Carter
About My Life
Hi my name is Tauwhare. I am 10 years old. I was born in New Zealand Aotearoa. Aotearoa is the Moari name for New Zealand. I go to Pt England School. Did you know that I have the best Principal ever. His name is Mr Burt. I am in Room Sixteen, and I have a teacher named Mr Somerville he is a awesome teacher to learn with. Having a awesome teacher like Mr Somerville is really cool. When people is feeling down Mr Somerville would help them out, then the next thing you know , theres a smile on that persons face, because of Mr Somerville made them happy.
Around school I have friends named Te Rina and Lola. At morning tea and lunch time Te Rina, Lola and myself would look for a good spot to relax. So as we are relaxing we will talk about our selfs. As the day goes on we will have a awesome time together and even in class, we will have a even better time with class mates and with Mr Somerville. Having a School like this and a principal who run this school is great. So then it gets to the end of the day. Then as the time hits 3:00pm there goes the bell. Then their I go with my bag on my back and out the door. So that my life about school.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Camp Benzon
After getting all the bags off the Ferry, Benzon, Mansion, Kawau and Katz sat down to meet Peter and Erin on a hard rocky ground. After Peter and Erin introduce themselfs we had the biggest walk ever. Then we got to this flash beach that had a house on it. When we were going back, we had to walk up the hill and down the hill to go back home. When we got back we had to carry all of our gear up to our cabins. Finding our room was really hard. But then we found our room, we sorted out our beds, Andrea, Dante, Lola, Te Rina and me made our beds and then we had Free Time. Free Time... Te Rina, lola and me went up steers to our cabin and lade on our beds. Then we got board and went down steers and played with our friends.When Mr Jacobson blowed the bugle, Benzon, Mansion, Kawau and Katz sat down on the deck. Miss Garden Told all of us what we were doing. "We are just about to have dinner, so is there anybody who would like to say the grace so we could bless our food". So then someone stood up and showed respect and blessed the food.
Dinner Time. For Dinner we had Potato,peas and chicken. Yummy. Lola, Te Rina and me said Thank You to Mr Coop for dinner. Then we had pudding, for pudding we had Ice-Cream, Apple Crumble, Jelly, Custard and Fruit Salad. After that we brush our teeth, got into our PJs and went to sleep. SWEET-DREAMS EVERYBODY
Friday, November 4, 2011

One day I wished if I could fly to space and land on a planet. One night I had a dream of going to Jupiter with my friends, TeRina and Lola. We zoomed up into space in a Rocket and landed on Jupiter. WOW... This is an bizarre planet. I asked Lola and TeRina if Jupiter is the biggest planet in space. "YES," they both replyed back.
Is Jupiter always this colour. Puting one step on Jupiter it felt like I was stepping on hard rock. I was wondering if any one has being on Jupiter before beside Lola, TeRina and me. Hmmmmmm, "What are you doing Tauwhare," asked TeRina. Nothing, just thinking what would it look like if we saw green and purple aliens on this Planet. "I don't know" said TeRina.
Lola said "Look Guys," looking worried. "What," we both said. "There is a big, fat and ugly Monster," We all ran on Jupiter which was hard. Getting use to it was really difficult. Stepping on the craters felt like a comet has just hit Jupiter. "We have lost the ugly beast" TeRina said. "We are so lucking" Lola Replyed.
"Now what are we going to do." TeRina said. "I wont to go home," Lola said. "We don't know our way back to the rocket," I said. We were thinking for a while. Then TeRina came up with a plan. "Lets all go together, Lola will distract the monster, then after that we will all run to the rocket hop in it then, fly back to earth" Sighed Te Rina. "But how would we know our way back," I asked. "Follow our foot-prints," Replied TeRina.
We found the rocket hop in it and flew back to earth. Wake up Tauwhare Get ready for school. I got to school and told everyone about my dream. I wish I could have another dream like that again.
The End
Friday, October 28, 2011
Air Port

In the holidays I went to the Airport to drop off my niece so she could go with her school, to fly to Singapore. As we got there we saw her teacher and her school mates. When we went inside we went up the stairs and had McDonald's and had a feed. After that we wished them good luck and have a safe trip to Singapore. Then as soon as they went out the door we went up the stairs to watch them go. As we got up there they were leaving. BBBBBYYYYYEEEE we all said. Love you.
Hope they had a great flight!
Welcome back to School

On Tuesday it was the first day of school. Waiting anxiously inline we were lined up ready to go in to the hall. As I sat down beside Te Rina I saw the teachers dressed-up in funny and crazy costumes. As we were waiting for the exiting moment Mr Burt said give it up for Team 1. Team 1 had a movie about the SUN. It showed how they were cold and how they had an idea of making a sun and had an idea of painting it and decorating it. Then they lade it out on the footparth. and lade beside it. We gave them a round of applause.
My Favorite Team was, Team 4 because they were talking about the stars.. I think that Mr Somerville had the crazy dress-up. But did you know that it looked like Mr Somerville was playing the Guitars for real. I liked it how they had balleriners in it and the video with it too. But I think it had the best proformers ever.
And my most exciting one was Team 5 because it was crazy and funny. There was princess in it and did you know that it was Mr Harris dressed-up as the princess? Well it was an interesting movie.!
I Hope to see more about this term and learn more.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Dan Carter and Mils

This is Dan Carter, Mils Muliaina. This is Dan Carter is the best All Blacks. Him and Richie McCaw are from ChristChurch. They use to to go to school together.
Mils Muliaina Plays in the All Blacks Team. I think he is the best All Black player. Did you know that his nick name is Mils. It is because he is the Youngers brother in his family.
Monday, September 12, 2011
RWC Opening

On Friday afternoon Shontal and her mum and I went to the Rugby World Cup opening in Auckland city. When the fireworks went off we were like WOW because there was fireworks coming out of the sky tower. As we were watching the fireworks going off we were having a picnic in the dark. We lade out our blankets and lade down while having some yummy Food. As we watched the fireworks go off I saw Andrea, Brodie-Jack and his parents too. So then they came and sat down by us. So as Shontal was holding her Netbook I asked her if she should take some photos for me. So she did. Then as it was finishing everybody started to clap. After that everybody went home and I went to sleep. That was an awesome and fun night!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fathers Day

On Sunday the 4th of September it was Fathers Day. On fathers day we had a big feast. Before we had our lunch, we had to clean up, like clean the dishes, vacuum the house and do other chores. So when we finished, we set the table. Then my mum dished my niece's and my plate and put it on the table. We said grace and then ate the amazing meal. After having the meanest feed ever my sister and that went back Up North. So when they left we just kicked back and watched a movie. We fell a sleep during the movie so we missed most of it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
My NetBooks New Home
On Wednesday the 24th of August, Room 16, 17, and 18 got to take their netbooks home. Before we could take our netbooks home, our parents had to come to a school meeting. So I rang my mum on the phone in my class and I begged her to come down to the school for the meeting about my netbook. Yeah sure she said. She came down to the school, her and a couple of people came in. When they came in they started the meeting. While they were talking about taking our netbooks home, Te Rina and I went outside to play. After playing outside Te Rina and I went inside to see if the meeting was over. It was. Then when my mum gave me an important piece of paper she had signed, I gave it to Mr Somerville. Then I got my netbook put it in my bag and off we went. My mum and I walked to the truck and drove home. When we got home I hopped straight away onto my netbook and played some games. Then I gave my sister a turn with it. Then she gave it back because it was flat. So I put my netbook on the charger and when I done that I put it in a safe place. After that I went to Sleep.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Being On The News
On Tuesday the 23rd of August channel One News came to Pt England School. I was really excited that they were here. When they came in we had to act good and cool. When the camera was going around we were working on our Netbooks.
Room 16 was really quiet so the lady who was talking could tell the whole of New Zealand about our awesome Netbooks. I feel sad that there are some schools that don't have Netbooks because they cant afford them.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Life Education Bus.

On Monday morning the 8th of August, we went to the life education bus. When we got there we meet a great lady named Lynn. She said "Can Tallest come in the front and smallest at the back?" So we did. We got into the caravan and when we got in there it looked really cool. so she " Do you want to meet Harold"? "YES" we all yelled. Lynn popped Harold. He ducked down he look sad. He said to Lynn "I felt sad because they didn't say HI. Don't we have to say hi. Hi Harold we said. In the life caravan we learnt about lots of body parts. We learnt about our liver. Lynn said everything about our liver, how it works and how it makes food. When we were learning Lynn gave as some cards to put on the side of the wall. We finished Harold's homework, then we we got up and did some stretching. I heard the bell ring then we got out of the caravan and went to morning tea.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Jazzy Bugs
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On Thursday Rooms 15,16 and 17 went on a trip to MOTAT. When we got there we meet a man named Frasier. He showed us around the place. We went around the corner and there was this big and black train sitting there. So he told us where to go and what to do. So first we went into the Tactile Dome. Before we could have our turn, a man called Andrew told us what to do. When he told us a lady had chosen a boy then he had to choose 3 other friends. Then Te Rina got picked and she choose 3 people as well. We all went in after the boys . I was the first one out of my group. Then my group followed behind. All I could hear was screaming, so I Said, “Can You all be Quite?"
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tallest Tower
Last week Lola, and I were in a pair. As we got into our group we started to build our own tower. Our tower was really tall. When we made it, it looked like a Rocket. For our equipment we had scissors, sellotape, paper and a GLUE STICK. So we started to build the tower. As we were building it was looking pretty good. It was getting taller and taller. As it was getting taller Mr Somerville said “Come on guys lets check your tower’s out.”
Partly Cloudy

The movie we watched was called Partly Cloudy
There where bird's called a stork and a cloud.
The setting was set up in the sky on clouds.
It starts when the storks are delivery the new babies.
When the stork is working for the cloud, the cloud has made dangerous animals like crocodile, baby goat, hedgehog and a eel.
I think I would give the movie a 10/10 rating because I think it was an awesome movie.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Hi. I hope you love my Movie about Rainbow I LOVE U HEARTS. It is about how much I love people. So I love everyone. Hope you enjoy! From Tauwhare.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Guitar Hero

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dinosaur Story
Hi there Million years ago there lived a T-Rex. My long name is Tyrannosaurus Rex but T- Rex is short for me. I’m big with rough skin. I am Black, and Yellow with green spots. I eat meat which means that I get big feet. My family is different to me because they don’t fight like me, they are just normal like others that don’t fight. My skeleton stands in Americans Museum natural history in New York. What I like to do is fight dinosaurs for meat like Reptile’s. When I’m walking in the forest I would sing loud and stomp loud. I live on a Inland called Cool Town. My home is made out of Grass, Branches. In side of my house it is made out of SAND. In my bed, chairs and many more are made out of leaves.
One day I went down to the beach to get some water. As I got there, there was a Reptile. Reptile I said to my self. I ran up to the Reptile and I was trying to catch it. Then I caught it with my mouth with Sharp teeth. Ya I have it ha ha I got you now. Off I went with my water down my throat and a Reptile half eaten. I my house eating away my Reptile. In the morning I woke up with bad breath. I smelt it I said “YUCK”! Well I said. Lets go I said to myself. On a hot morning I went to go out to clean my yard. “What a MEAL”
Monday, April 4, 2011
Message Hop

There are three photos of really cute puppies. One is a puppy kissing another puppy CUTE. My second picture is about puppies together one is white and one is brown.There is a other photo of two cute and lovely puppies together.
Friday, March 25, 2011
My best friend

Kai Ora "I have a best friend named Te Rina"! Me and Te Rina would always play together at school. Every Morning or day we will say Good Morning. In the morning when she came to school she said "Good Morning Tauwhare"! Then I reply back "Good Morning Te Rina, how are you today?" "I'm doing great, How about you?" She said. I said "Good". So at Morning today we played with our other best friends named Litia, and Vivienne. We played out on room 17 deck. "The bell rang now Te Rina" Okay. We went back to class. We worked and worked so hard for green cards. From Tauwhare.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Japan Earthquake and tsunami

O.M.G. On Friday at 2.40 Japan had an Earthquake SCARY. Did you know that they had a tsunami too? Isn’t that SCARY. Tokyo had an after shock as well. It was an 8.9 earthquake. I heard that when the earthquake was happening the tsunami hit. I saw on the news that as the water was going under the high way, the high way fell. As I was watching the news it was scary because I thought that there will be an Earthquake in NZ again. I think how it all happened was from Christchurch because when they had an earthquake they had another one. I am sorry for all of the loved ones that have died in Tokyo and in Japan. Like when the tsunami hit Japan it destroyed lots of thing like house’s cars and many more. Love from Tauwhare.
Friday, March 11, 2011
My famliy.
Hi my name is Tauwhare and my dad's name is Nuku and my Mum's name is Jane. I am turning 10 years old on April 24. I have 2 sister's and 3 brother's. My best friend's are Litia, Te Rina, and Vivienne. I go to Pt England School, and I am a year 6 in Room 16. My teacher's name is Mr Somerville. I was born in NZ. I live in Glen Innes. My street is called Kiano PL. I am Maori. I was born 2001. My house color is Yellow-Takitimu. Did you know that I can't wait in till CAMP? I want to say I am really sorry for CHRISTCHURCH as well. Hope you like my story. From Tauwhare.
Friday, March 4, 2011
About Me

Hi my name is Tauwhare and I’m a year 6 at Pt England School. I am 10 years old. My birthday is on April the 24th. The year that i I was born on was 2001. At my School I have 3 friends named, Te Rina, Litia, and Vivienne they are my best friends for ever. One day at school we were playing around on the school field. Every day we play together.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tauwhare's Wordle

Hi I have made a Wordle that tells you the important things about me. I hope you like it. Tauwhare
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Christchurch Earthquake

Dear Christchurch,
I just want to say that I’m really sorry about the Earthquake that hit you on Tuesday afternoon. I want to give lots of things to you like food, water, and money, we are going to let you come all the way to Auckland away from the Quake Disaster. We are going to give lots of love and be Responsible to you. With all those people that have died i want to say sorry and all those people getting found I want to say sorry too. I give Christchurch lots of love and give them all there best so they don’t have a other disaster. XOXO...........I wish that you have a awesome time in Auckland and Wilington. Wish you good luck........<<<<<.....>>>>>>>.........!!!!!!!!!!!!.......
From Tauwhare......<><><><<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.......---------------.............
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Holiday

Tuesday 15th February 2011 Holiday..............<<<<<<<>>>>>>>....................!!!!!!!!!!!Holiday<><><><><><><><>
In the holidays I stay at my aunty's and uncle's house. When I got there I said to my self This looks really new because when I went there the last time it looked very old. Now as the house is painted outsides and inside the bath room looked nice and new.
So on that sunny hot day we went to the beach. when we got to the beach called takapuna i ran fast and jumped into the
water.For lunch we had fish & chips.After having a big swim we went to my aunty's then when we got in the we all fell a sleep........................
In the holidays I stay at my aunty's and uncle's house. When I got there I said to my self This looks really new because when I went there the last time it looked very old. Now as the house is painted outsides and inside the bath room looked nice and new.
So on that sunny hot day we went to the beach. when we got to the beach called takapuna i ran fast and jumped into the
water.For lunch we had fish & chips.After having a big swim we went to my aunty's then when we got in the we all fell a sleep........................
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